What makes us different

What do you get from engagement with Viaante?

Reduced cost of operations

  • Save approximately 30 to 40% cost saving
  • You save on office space, resources, hiring, and training costs to Reduce Overheads
  • Choose from our Pricing Models – Fixed, Outcome &, Effort
  • Engagement options customized to your needs

Business Process Transformation

  • Streamlined Operations and Improved efficiency with strong metrics, controls, and scalability
  • Proprietary platforms, tools & reporting for 360º Process transparency and actionable insights

Access to Talent Pool

  • Availability of large skilled workforce, which is ready to take on projects of any size and complexity
  • A workforce with extensive BPO Experience; Diverse Industry domain knowledge

A Reliable Partner

  • You focus on your core business, while we take care of your non-core transactional functions, incomplete adherence to your data security, compliance, and business continuity norms
  • Business and Delivery models to suit your needs